Healthy Working Forests Are Essential to Jobs and Washington’s Economy

Working forests form the foundation of the timber industry that supports more than 102,000 workers and generates $6 billion in wages annually. Learn more about working forests.
Our working forests sustain the 3rd largest manufacturing industry in Washington.
Thousands of people rely on working forests. Everyday the work of planting, harvesting and producing wood products supports families and local communities, producing environmentally and climate-friendly forest products for us to enjoy. Washington’s forests and wood products offset 35% of our state’s carbon emissions, in addition to protecting cool, clean water that flows through 60,000 miles of forested streams.
We support active, sustainable forestry to promote revenues, taxes, and jobs, to sustain working forests on the landscape. These activities take place across Washington state, making it vital for us to promote the value of working forests in our communities. Join us in supporting working forests.
Click on the map to find out the economic impact of working forests in your county.